An analytical blog following Senate candidate Mazie Hirono in the Second District of Hawaii. It will examen her stances on key political issues, as well as offer insight on campaign strategies, endorsements, and election results.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Hirono's Conservation and Environment Effort

          Environmental protection is one of the primary goals of Congresswoman Hirono as she battles for the vacant senatorial position.  (Congresswoman Mazie Hirono).  There is much natural land in Hawaii's second district, therefore it is no surprise that Hawaiians would consider environment protection to be a key issue.  Hirono might simply be espousing environmental protection to gain favor, although it is possible she believes it to be in the nation's best interest to preserve the local flora and fauna.
          Hirono is  known for her voting on clean energy initiatives but primarily on numerous policies regarding wildlife conservation initiatives, having co-sponsored several of these projects herself.  She bears a clear concern for wildlife, particularly animal wellbeing where it is threatened by human interference (Mazie on the issues). 
          Among the long list of the animals Hirono has petitioned to save are polar bears, bluefin tuna, foxes, wolves and horses (Mazie Hirono on Environment). Along similar lines she also co-sponsored PUPS, legislation that increases the regulation of dog kennels to decrease the mistreatment of puppies (Mazie on the environment). Her support of animals has been consistant throughout her terms in public office, and she was awarded  a rating of 75% by the Humane Society Legislative Fund on issues concerning the well-being of animals (Mazie onEnvironment)(Humane Society Legislative Fund).
        Hirono's humanitarian views are endearing to the public and make her an appealing candidate for citizens concerned about animal rights.  Hirono's activism portrays her seemingly caring nature by showing her concern for less fortunate animals.  Demonstrating such a strong sense of character is highly appealing in the current political age, where a candidate's personality can have such a large impact upon their support base (Barry et. al 223).  Combatting animal cruelty and fighting to protect endangered animals is therefore an excellent method of improve a candidate's image.
          The production of clean energy is another issue that relatively high on Congreesowman Hirono's list of priorities.  She is against  unregulated pollution of the environment, and supported enforcing limits on CO2 emitions in 2009. She also believes that Americans need "to wean [themselves] from imported oil"(qtd. in Mazie Hirono on Energy and Oil).  Her left-wing views regarding environmental policy are likely to gain her favor in a state that traditionally leans democratic.
         The natural persona exuded by Hawaii is most likely a cause for Hirono's stances on environmental issues. Her advocacy of pro-environmental policy will earn her votes from concerned Hawaiians.

Barry, Jeffrey M, Jerry Goldman, Kevin W. Hula, and Kenneth Janda. The Challenge of
Democracy American Government in Global Politics. United States: Wadsworth, Cengage  
Learning, 2012. Print.

"Congresswoman Mazie K. Hirono." Malama 'Aina. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2012.

"Humane Society Legislative Fund." Humane Society Legislative Fund. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2012.

"Mazie Hirono on Energy and Oil." Mazie Hirono on Energy and Oil. On the Issues, 14 Oct. 2012.
Web. <>.

"Mazie Hirono on Environment." Mazie Hirono on Environment. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2012.

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